After a nearly 45-year career at Pella Cooperative Electric Association, Stan Eysink is hanging up his lineman gear on December 30th.
Stan joined the Cooperative as summer help in 1977 at 17 years old during his senior year at Pella Community High School. Following his graduation, Stan returned to the Cooperative and was later hired as an apprentice lineman.
“Looking back when I started, I really give credit to the linemen who trained me with such patience,” remarked Stan. “I respected and admired them for showing us young guys how to do things right.”
Working his way through the on-the-job training apprenticeship, Stan later became a journeyman lineman. Around 2001, Stan also evolved his career into the Member Relations Manager, spending more time taking care of members’ concerns and new member accounts. He continued working as an on-call lineman when and where help was needed.
“I’ve really enjoyed the variety of things I’ve done over the years,” said Stan. I’ve set poles, built miles on miles of line, worked in all kinds of weather, and so many other things. It has been an honor and privilege to not only serve the fantastic PCEA membership, but to work with such a great group of fellow employees and board of directors. I look forward to coming back to visit the Cooperative often.”
CEO Doug Stewart has worked with Stan for the past 10 years and says he is excited for his retirement plans but will be truly missed at the Cooperative.
“I want to congratulate Stan on an exceptional career at Pella Cooperative Electric,” remarked Stewart. “Stan’s loyalty, service, and dedication to the membership is unmatched and will be greatly missed. After the many years of hard work, Stan deserves a terrific retirement.”
According to PCEA Board President Duane Ver Ploeg, Stan has been a key influence in the growth and strength of the organization’s commitment to the mission, vision, and values across his 44-year career.
“I want to sincerely thank Stan for his service to the PCEA membership,” said Ver Ploeg. “Stan has been an integral part of the REC and his contributions will always be valued and remembered. He has been a joy to work with and will be missed.”
Pella Cooperative Electric extends a sincere thank you to Stan for his service to the membership during his career and wishes him the best in his retirement. Please join us for a retirement party open house at the PCEA office on Friday, December 16, from 1 p.m. – 4 p.m.