Simpson Productions is performing their next show of the 2022-23 season this weekend, Little Women. The show is adapted from the novel by Louisa May Alcott, and features the story of Jo March and her sisters as they grow up during the Civil War. Director Ann Woldt tells KNIA News she was drawn to the adaptation because it is a timeless book that she grew up with, and has lessons that still hold true today from a book written in the 1860’s.
“For many people, we were brought up with it, you know the story. But when you really kind of take a look at it, it’s about women, it’s about ambition, it’s about the March family, and I really think it resonates with 21st century women”
The shows will take place this Friday and Saturday at 7pm, and Sunday at 2pm, and all take place in the Pote Theatre in the Blank Performing Arts Center at Simpson College. For more information, tune in to today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.