
Much of the scoring from the Knoxville Girls Basketball season last year is back for this season. Coach Matt Ritchhart tells KNIA/KRLS Sports that 88% of the scoring is back from last year. Ritchhart says the three main scorers will likely be Emma Dunkin, Hannah Dunkin, and Brittany Bacorn, but to compete with everyone on the schedule, he says the scoring from everyone needs to pick up this season.

Ritchhart: “The big 3 will be Dunkin, Dunkin , and Bacorn. But I’m hoping the rest of the kids can chip in 5 or more per game because that’s how you get to the 50 marker.”

The Panthers averaged 43.3 points per game last season posting a 10-12 record. Ritchhart adds players like Larissa Wells, Anna Buttell, Anna Anderson, and a varsity newcomer Natalie Collins will all need to score a few points more to reach his goal of averaging 50 points per game where he says gives his team more of a chance to compete with the better teams on the schedule. Knoxville opens up its season Tuesday at PCM.

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