Around 10 people involved with the Des Moines Skydivers club were at the latest Knoxville City Council Meeting November 21. Several club members spoke and provided some details about what Knoxville could expect when they are in town.
Knoxville Mayor Brian Hatch tells KNIA/KRLS News, “It was a fun way to start the meeting off. The Des Moines Skydivers group came in and introduced themselves to council and staff and kind of explained what they do and what we can expect to see in years to come. I think this will be a wonderful opportunity for the community of Knoxville, for our airport and surrounding areas. These people will come in several times, maybe a dozen times out of the summer and do jumps.”
Among the skydivers club members on hand were president Brandon Stephens and ex president Randy Roth. It was reported that the Des Moines group looked at 13 different airports and communities when it came time to relocate from Winterset to Knoxville
The group will soon be looking at building a campground large enough for 55 club managers.