The Pella City Council held a public hearing to consider a contract for Bos Landen Conference Center repairs at their meeting Tuesday. While the council has received bids, they far exceed engineer’s estimates, and thus, the action was tabled until December 20th.
Resolutions on the agenda included accepting of public improvements for the Bos Landen Drive and University Street and East 8th reconstruction projects, as well as a final plat for the South Main Subdivision.
The council also approved second readings for ordinances approving property tax agreements with the Timberview and Webster Park Urban Renewal Areas, which will be subject to one more reading before adoption.
Additionally, a legal citation related to 813.5 Washington Street was removed from the table then died due to a lack of motion, as the property owners hired a local contractor that is now nearly finished with the necessary demolition work related to a building destroyed in a fire this past January.
Also, the Pella City Council approved Mayor Don DeWaard’s appointments for an ad hoc committee for Community Center improvements, which includes:
– Dave Hopkins
– Brenda Huisman
– Pati Van Zante
– Arvin Van Zante
– Amanda Schwerdtfeger
– Rhonda Kermode
– Mary Robertson
The committee will be tasked to participate in the engineering/design firm selection, work with the selected group during the future use planning study, and identify potential alternatives to enhance the project, especially if additional funding is acquired.