Registrations for snowmobiles and OHVs (Off-Highway Vehicles) purchased during the 2022 registration cycle expire Dec. 31. Any registration that is not renewed prior to Jan. 1, 2023, will have a late penalty of $5 applied to the cost of the registration.
All user permits, which include resident snowmobiles and nonresident snowmobiles and OHVs, also expire Dec. 31. User permits are required for nonresident and resident snowmobiles used on public land or ice. Residents operating an off-highway vehicle do not need a user permit. Your local Recorder’s Office will assist you with OHV renewals with an appointment.
(AIR ONLY) For more information on making an appointment go to KNIA/KRLS News and click on this story.
WEB ONLY Appointments can be made at, https://www.marioncountyiowa.gov/recorder/