
Kitty Shepherd is one of the individuals in Knoxville who sets up schedules for volunteers to ring the bell for the Salvation Army. She is helped by Brent and Mary Hanna.

The schedule is set up through the Methodist Church in Knoxville along with other churches in town lending support and time for the fundraiser. Shepherd tells KNIA/KRLS News that the Twin Cedars School District has been very helpful this year with volunteers as well as a few 4-H clubs, the boy scouts and students from Knoxville High School.

Shepherd tells KNIA/KRLS News where the money goes “In Marion County 90 percent of the money that we raise stays here.”

Bell ringing will take place this week at Walmart and Fareway this week from 10 a.m.until 6 p.m. Saturday the bell ringing will go from 9 a.m.