The Knoxville City Council met in regular session last night. The council heard the Knoxville Chamber Year in review. Emma Klocke, Knoxville Chamber of Commerce Director said the Chamber looks to move into a different facility in January on Main Street. The board approved a resolution approving an agreement between the City of Knoxville and Iowa Inspections, LLC related to Rental Housing Inspections. The inspection fees will have a 30 percent increase.
The council approved a resolution for Preliminary Plans, Specifications, Form of Contract, notice to bidders and Estimate of Cost and Ordering of bids for the 2022 Veterans Parks Projects with no bonding needed.
The board approved a resolution agreement between the city and Wendel for Architect Services. It was noted that Wendel specializes in public safety.
Modifications to Dental Office Site Plan documents were approved. Plans for the dental office are going back to the original approval. The council held a discussion and approved action regarding housing codes in the East Village.
The board considered potential use of the Veteran’s District by the Fair Board/Raceway and Knoxville Community School District, and associated amendments to the concept plan. There was no action taken but the board directed discussion with the Fair Board to move forward.
The Administration and Zoning Budget Presentation was also reviewed with no action taken.