The Pella City Council is expected to finalize a construction contract for repairs to the Bos Landen Conference Center at their meeting this evening.
City Administrator Mike Nardini says they reviewed bids at the December 6th meeting, and needed extra time to determine which project alternates to add on top of the $1 million in repairs covered by insurance for damage caused in a water pipe incident in 2020.
The Pella City Council is also holding a pair of public hearings to consider bids for the annual sewer cleaning and inspection program and to rezone property located along Hempstead Drive from agricultural to rural residential.
The council will also schedule a public hearing for vacation of public right-of-way for a portion of Hazel Street, and accept public improvements for both the Pella Municipal Airport apron expansion and improvements to the Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Following regular business, the Pella City Council will discuss out-of-town agreements for Pella Community Ambulance service. The Pella City Council meeting begins at 6:00 this evening in the Pella Public Safety Complex, and can also be viewed online: https://join.me/CityofPella