During significant snow events the Marion County Engineer’s office follows a plan of action that makes travel on county roadways safe and as convenient for as many residents as possible. Marion County Engineer Tyler Christian tells KNIA/KRLS News that on unpaved roads, the initial effort will be made to get all routes open to one-lane traffic as soon as possible. On paved roads the initial effort will be to get all routes open to two-lane traffic as soon as possible. After roads have been plowed, intersections, hills, and curves may have salt, sand or other abrasives placed on them. For more information regarding how the Engineers Office approaches snow removal go to KNIA/KRLS.com and click on this story.
Private Drives/Mail Boxes
(1) The County will not clear snow from private drives. Normal snow removal operations may result in snow being deposited in private drives. Snow from private drives shall not be placed on the roadway or shoulders.
(2) The County will not replace mailboxes damaged or knocked down by the force of snow thrown from the plow.
Unpaved Roads
(1) The initial effort will be to get all routes opened to one-lane traffic as soon as possible after a storm has passed. Use extreme caution.
(2) After one-lane travel is possible, subsequent snow removal will be carried on during normal working hours.
(3) Snow may not be removed from roads designated Level B.
Paved Roads
(1) The initial effort will be to get all routes open to two-lane traffic as soon as possible.
(2) It is not the policy of the county to provide a “dry” pavement condition.
(3) After roads have been plowed, intersections, hills, and curves may have salt, sand or other abrasives placed on them.