The Weiler Corporation recently recognized employees for their years of service at a luncheon. Owner Pat Weiler tells KNIA/KRLS News that the company has had another successful year thanks to the dedication, hard work and passion of its employees.
Weiler Products Inc., manufactures equipment primarily for the asphalt paving market. The company was founded in 2000.
5 years
Nick Batterson, Caleb Beal, Caleb Bonnett, Callie Brown, Jacob Carr, Zack Comstock, Jordan Crago, Lindsay Crozier, Kimberly Crumes-Showman, David Deal, Dennis Deaver Jr, Doug Doak, CJ Ferree, James Glendy, AJ Gray, Eric Grinstead, Adam Hazen, Todd Higginbotham, Vincent Hundley, Mathis Hutchinson, William Janke, Kyle Kersbergen, Michael Lane, Nathan Marshall, Curtis Matthias, Jacob Moats, Zach Newendorp, Jasen Nielsen, Luke Oberbroeckling, Dennis Pettyjohn, Joshua Riggen, Ricardo Salazar, Michael Smith, Peyton Stephens, Harry Stuart, Jennifer Summers, Vinson Swanks, Robert Tallman, Karen Thomas, Victoria Van Waardhuizen, James Vancenbrock, Dennis Williams, Catherine Wills, Kelly Wilson, Pat Weiler, Sharon Weiler, Megan (Weiler) Green, Joel Weiler, Katelyn (Weiler) Freeseman. Not pictured: John Ferraris, Kyle Van Roekel.
5 years 2 nd and 3 rd shift
Pat Weiler, Sharon Weiler, Megan (Weiler) Green, Joel Weiler, Katelyn (Weiler) Freeseman, Brenda Bratton, Benyahia Cheriet, Dusty Davies, Derek Legan. Not pictured: Tom Lunsford
10 years (Included in the photo)
Brad Branson, Zabrina Breazeale, Stacy Chapman, Jacyn Deheer, Jake Harsin, Bob Harsin, Robert Homann, D’Angelo Johnson, Jeff Kersbergen, Curt Legvold, Gary Little, Scott Meador, Dylan Moore, Mitch Olson, Sonny Parker, Jeremy Rankin, Peg Simmons, Thomas Smith, Ben Starits, James Thudium, Tom Underwood, Nicholaus Wichhart, Bob Wims, Pat Weiler, Sharon Weiler, Megan (Weiler) Green, Joel Weiler, Katelyn (Weiler) Freeseman
15 & 20 Years
Pat Weiler, Sharon Weiler, Megan (Weiler) Green, Joel Weiler, Katelyn (Weiler) Freeseman. Sam Best celebrating 20 years and Mark Prachar celebrating 15 years.