While construction may not be underway for several years, the Indianola High School Replace in Place project is ongoing, after voters approved a bond measure earlier this year. Superintendent Ted Ihns tells KNIA News the Indianola School Board has taken several small, early steps in a years-long plan to get the project to completion.
“Phase 1 is the first $10 million of getting that ready to go, what are the first steps to move forward with it. So this was getting to know what that looked like for the first little part of Phase 1, and then what the steps look like moving forward. Because this is going to change over the course of the $100 million, $95 million project whatever it ends up being changed throughout the course, but this is the foundational piece set so the board understands where we are at financially for the district.”
The Replace in Place Project includes the addition of a new commons area to link the gym, auditorium, and academic area, creating a new “heart” for IHS, a new two-story academic wing built to the west and an athletics and career-technical expansion to the north, along with increased parking and improved traffic flow.