In looking at the Knoxville School Year in Review, Knoxville School Superintendent Cassi Pearson tells KNIA/KRLS News, she believes the school has accomplished a lot and she gives credit to the community for all the support they have provided to get things done.
Knoxville Business Manager Craig Mobley adds, “Well you know it really was a year of a lot of facility upgrades and new facilities.”
There was a ribbon cutting for the new artificial turf at the Randy Wilson Track used by track, football, soccer, the dance team and band students.
Pearson gave a shoutout to the Weiler Foundation as they helped Knoxville complete the project and gave a generous donation.
Another big addition was air conditioning put in the high school gymnasium. Marion County Bank gets a shoutout for helping the wrestling team get new mats. A new weight room was added and Pearson tells KNIA/KRLS News it all adds up to pride.
Of course the big improvement is the addition of the new Knoxville Middle School.