The Iowa Legislature begins their 2023 session on January 9th, and a priority from re-elected State Senator Julian Garrett is to more forward with the E-Verify Bill that he has supported for many years. Garrett tells KNIA News he believes the E-Verify Bill will help curb the employment of those in the country illegally.
“What it does is requires Iowa employers to check with the federal E-Verify system when they are hiring new people to make sure they are in the country legally so they are not violating federal law. That program has been in existence federally for well over 20 years now, but is voluntary at the federal level. So some people use it, some people don’t. Here in Iowa there are over 5,000 employers that do use it voluntarily, but there are a whole lot more that don’t.”
Hear more about Garrett’s legislative priorities on today’s Let’s Talk Indianola.