The Knoxville Wrestling Squad will embark on the second half of the season tonight with a South Central Conference Quad at Albia. The Panthers will see the hosts, plus Cardinal and E-B-F. Knoxville already has a win over the Rockets before the break when the Panthers were short handed due to injury and illness. The latest Iowa Wrestle rankings have come out and three Panther wrestlers find themselves ranked in the top 12 of their respective weight class. Luke Spaur at 138 pounds is ranked 6th, Andon Trout is 12th at 145 pounds, Daniel Gorskikh is 12th at 170 pounds while the Panthers as a team find themselves ranked 16th in the latest class 2A poll. Coach Skylar Spaur tells KNIA/KRLS Sports a lot of bottom work has been done during the break.
Spaur: “Bottom where we’ve been struggling, when the whistle blows we just use our hands. And get better on top so we can turn our opponents and get them on their back.”
Both Knoxville and class 2A #17 Albia are unbeaten in the conference duals season. First bouts are scheduled to begin at 5:30.