
It’s already been one week since the best high school band in Iowa put the community and state on the national stage, and the students and directors of the Pella Marching Dutch are thankful for the support they received while participating in the Tournament of Roses Parade.

Director of the Pella Marching Dutch Dameon Place says the trip west would not have been possible without the incredible support of those who donated funds or time to make sure every student who wanted to go to Pasadena to kick off the new year could do so. He’s also thankful for the many businesses who lent their support, including Tim Pol with Geetings, Inc., who helped the band acquire a new trailer and then drove it to California.

“Tim stopped no fewer than 3 times to wash the truck and trailer, and polish the wheels himself, by hand. He hauled this trailer in LA traffic to Bandfest, and even helped move pit equipment in the rain. As he pulled out of the parking lot after loading, he spotted me across the traffic and belted the horn,” Place says.

Click here to view our full coverage from the Rose Parade experience for the Pella Marching Dutch.