Panthers vs Cancer is a fundraiser in Knoxville that raises money for cancer awareness and support.
Last year Knoxville was able to raise over $48,000 to help fight in the fight against cancer.
Funds raised from the event are donated directly to the Knoxville Hospital and Clinics Foundation, with a mission to advance exceptional health care at KHC. Money is put into a fund to assist patients with struggles associated with a cancer diagnosis and to provide materials for the $1.4 million addition of a state of the art infusion center which is being built next to the current hospital.
The Knoxville Panthers will face the Chariton Chargers in varsity basketball games Saturday evening starting at 6:15 p.m. Saturday, January 21 at the high school. According to organizer Matt Ritchhart, the event also includes alumni basketball games along with a silent auction and JV games