The Marion County Board of Supervisors met with department heads Wednesday to discuss proposed budgets for several departments.
On the agenda to discuss proposed budgets were IT/GIS, the Recorder, Mental Health, Facilities, Public Health, Environmental Health, Senior Nutrition, General Relief and the Medical Examiner.
The biggest change of all the departments that presented was Public Health, which lost many services with reshuffling of job duties by the state to American Home Finding Association.
Kim Dorn said her request for the budget for Public Health was in the neighborhood of $230,000 this year. Dorn said the budget demand is down from past years when the request was as much as $500,000 when she budgeted for up to five departments. The department has lost 15 employees since last year.
Dorn handled Environmental Health, Senior Nutrition, General Relief and the Medical Examiner on budget requests as well. Most of those departments didn’t have notable changes.
IT/GIS (Information Technology/Geographic Information System) asked for an 8.2 percent increase for salary staff increases. The budget request from the Recorder was down as was the request for Facilities.
The Board of Supervisors voted to give a five percent increase to all departments for salaries, except for the Road Department, which will receive 6.5 percent.
Budget hearings for department heads will continue today at 9 a.m.