Melcher-Dallas Principal Scott Bridges tells KNIA/KRLS News, the construction taking place at the school for the gymnasium, and classrooms for a music room, an art room, an ag and shop area, that were all a part of the original building that was torn down, is all on schedule.
Bridges says, “Yeah, we’re on track. It’s right on schedule. They’ll be wrapping up some of the block work this week for some of the exterior walls and that’s kind of when we were planning to do that. And we’ll go on a five or six week break because we’re waiting for the pre-cast walls to be built. We knew this would be a shut down period until about March 20, when we first started this because pre-cast walls were back ordered. Those are the concrete walls that will be the exterior of the gym and the workout fitness area. So we knew that would be a back order situation but that’s the only thing with the entire project that will be back ordered.”
The entire project is slated to be finished in May of 2024. Until then, the Melcher-Dallas sports teams that use the gymnasium will continue to hold events at SE Warren High School.