The Twin Cedars School District had some school buildings with roof damage from the wind last spring. The repairs were started in the summer. Twin Cedars Superintendent Scott Bridges tells KNIA/KRLS News insurance covered most of the cost of the new roof.
According to Bridges, the project got behind schedule as they had trouble finding some of the insulation that was needed for the repairs.
Bridges says, “For Twin Cedars we had some wind damage that was last spring. We had two events that pulled some of the roof up. They came out and inspected it. The insurance company told us we had more damage than we thought. Insurance paid the cost of the new roof.”
For the most part Bridges said the project was wrapped up right around winter break. There are a few things that still need to be done to finish project repairs. Bridges will meet with those doing the repairs next Wednesday before the job is completed.
According to Bridges all the high school gets a new roof and the gym on the elementary gets a new roof. There will be a new roof on all the buildings in the school district. Insurance paid for most of the repairs except for $1,000 deductible for the $1 million dollar roof.