
Marion County Bank’s halftime entertainment at the Pella Christian vs. Pella basketball game last Friday night earned the schools a $4,925 donation.

Students from both schools worked together in the event by shooting layups, free throws, three pointers and half court shots to earn a donation from Marion County Bank. State Cross Country and Track Champion Chase Lauman earned over $2,000 for the schools by making two half-court baskets during the event.

A shootout donation of $2,925 was earned at the first Pella vs. Pella Christian games on January 6 and will be combined with the Halftime Shootout winnings earned last week. All winnings will be split evenly between the high schools and contributed toward their Student Activity funds.

Since 2004, over $136,000 has been given to Pella Community High and Pella Christian High from Marion County Bank during the halftime events.