The Iowa Legislature is working on a bill to make come changes regarding current law regarding continuous sexual abuse of a child. State Senator Julian Garrett tells KNIA News the changes make harsher penalties for those over the age of 18 who have been charges three times with sexual abuse of a minor over a long period, which was asked for by several County Attorney’s across the state. Garrett also said he wants provisions for making sure the convicted felons serve their time in prison.
“A person convicted of this crime will be guilty of a Class B Felony and could be sentenced 50 years. Another provision is the person convicted has to serve 70% of the sentence. We have the parole board and people get out on parole depending on how they behave, but this bill is specifying they have to spend at least 70% of their sentence in prison.”
Another bill the Senate is working on is adding penalties for a second offense of eluding law enforcement, making it an aggravated misdemeanor among others.