Chicago, Teen Edition, will be the Spring Musical for the Knoxville High School. The musical will be under the direction of Heidi Feldman and it will be held Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the Knoxville Performing Arts Center. Shows Friday and Saturday will be at 7 p.m. while the Sunday show will be at 2 p.m.
Chicago is a Tony Award winning musical that is one of the longest running musicals on Broadway.
Knoxville senior Hayden Hudson plays a lead role in the musical. Hudson, who plays the role of Roxie Hart, tells KNIA/KRLS News, “The best thing about Chicago is that none of the characters are necessarily likable.They are kind of all terrible people in their own ways. So watching them get into these little quarrels and these little issues that they have to work through, it’s kind of funny.”
Tickets are currently on sale for $10 and are available online or at the door.
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