The District FFA Convention had three Knoxville members competing. Ashley Kearney, Job Interview- earned gold and is advancing to state.
The Pleasantville FFA District Convention saw Pleasantville pick up five medals. Sydney Septer (Secretary Book): was the lone gold award. Melcher-Dallas had three FFA members participate in the District competition.
Other Pleasantville awards were Jonah Schumacher (Prepared Public Speaking): Silver; Kennadi Fulmer, Carly Cox, Addison Wall, Colton Metcalf, Sicily Schuck (Parliamentary Procedure): Silver; Ryder Thill (Ag Broadcasting): Bronze; Dominic Gooch (Greenhand Quiz): Bronze and Payton Wieck: Delegate.
Knoxville’s Bailey Finken, Ag Sales-silver. Ralei Danner, Creed Speaking-bronze. Three members Ashley Kearney, Bailey Finken, and Morgan McKay received their Academic Achievement Award.
Three Melcher-Dallas FFA members participated in Experience the Action and received a Bronze at Districts. The three were Sydney Busick, Brieanna Remster and Rachel Ripperger.
Pictured is Ashley Kearney of Knoxville and Melcher-Dallas’ three contestants. The large picture is Pleasantville’s medalists.