While the Indianola wrestling season has come to a close, many wrestlers will begin preparing for the offseason work on the mats including clubs and individual wrestling. One way the program is successful according to head coach Clint Manny, is seeing Indianola wrestlers competing in other sports.
“We have freestyle, AAU events, we have a summer camp where we go to the Wisconsin Dells, we are going to take a bunch of youth kids to Fort Dodge for a camp, those are all wrestling things, and I love it and I understand how important it is to their development in the sport of wrestling. But it doesn’t even come close to comparing to the lessons they are learning from their other coaches, the other programs here at Indianola. I love those programs as much as I love our wrestling program, and we’ll continue to support them.”
Manny also said he wants to thank the parents for supporting the program all year long, and without them a lot of what they do wouldn’t be possible.