
Matt Ritchhart, Knoxville varsity girls basketball coach reports the Panthers vs Cancer Fundraiser held in January brought in $26,900. That money goes to the Knoxville Hospital and Clinics. Ritchhart said this was the 16th year for the event. It was the second year that he and his wife Megan were in charge of the fundraiser.

Ritchhart said the money raised was an increase from a year ago, when they brought in $23,000. He thanked everyone who took part in the fundraiser.

Ritchhart tells KNIA/KRLS News,“Our date for next year is Friday, January 12, so that will be a difference from the past. So instead of being a Saturday, it will be Friday, January 12, against Clarke this upcoming year.”

The Knoxville Cancer Relay Team ran over 750 miles this past fall to raise money for the American Cancer Society. Which was held in conjunction with the Panthers vs Cancer event.

The 20 plus team members raised a total of $23,400. Natalie Collins, a Knoxville High School student was the top fundraiser for the group bringing in over $3,000.