The Gathering Grounds will be hosting a BBB (Bags, Beer, Band) event March 25 at the Gathering Grounds located south of the Bussey Stub, across the street from where DeVore Homes was located. The event is a fundraiser for the Bussey 4th of July Firework Show.
You can pre-register at any of the following Facebook pages, Indiana Township Fire Department, Bussey Fire or the Gathering Grounds. Cost for the Bag Tournament is $40 per team and the ticket gets you into to see the band, Whiskey Rebellion, as well. The band cover cost is $10.
Keith Ver Meer, tells KNIA/KRLS News first place for the tournament pays 30 percent of the pool and second gets 20 percent of the pool.
The event gets underway at 2 p.m. with pre-registration from 1:00 to 1:30 the day of the event. A meal will be served for $8 starting at 5 p.m.