
Tyler Christian, representing Thrive Knoxville, discussed a Gateway Project with the Knoxville City Council. It was a project he first discussed with council last October. The project  is a beautification for the entryway from the south into town, including signage and planting of various shrubs and more.

Christian asked for a partnership with the City and Thrive on the project. 

Knoxville City Manager Heather Ussery tells KNIA/KRLS News, “Thrive has worked with  seeking out proposals for design services. He received a proposal from Reynolds Urban Design for $15,000 for the design services.”

Christian came back at the city council meeting Monday and asked for the partnership in sharing the cost for the design services. It would be up to $7,500 for both Thrive Knoxville and the city of Knoxville. Thrive is seeking some local funding partnerships and grants to help with the overall project costs. The city approved sharing in the design costs up to $7,500.