The winter “hibernation” of the Pella Historical Museums will end as the Historical Village reopens on March 20th.
Executive Director Valerie Van Kooten looks forward to welcoming guests as the tulips start to bloom and springtime starts in Pella. The Scholte House is set to reopen on April 3rd.
Two events are also scheduled this Thursday:
Book Club – The Clean Daughter – RESCHEDULED: Thursday, March 16 | 12:00 noon – Scholte Garden Room
The Clean Daughter tells the true story of Jill Kandel, a North Dakota native who marries a Dutch man and has problems adjusting to the Dutch lifestyle, especially her overbearing father-in-law. This becomes more troubling when her father-in-law decides to avail himself of the Netherlands’ euthanasia laws. (In case you’re wondering about the title, the word for “daughter-in-law” in Dutch is “schoondochter” or “clean daughter.”) We have several copies at Pella Historical. Because the Museums are closed for the winter, please call 641-628-1541 to set up a time to pick up the book, or email info@pellahistorical.com.
Speaker – Dr. Keith Fynaardt – Thursday, March 16 | 7:00 PM – Pella Opera House: Free for members, $10 for non-members (cash at the door)
In a little-known piece of local history, the Dutch who lived in the areas of Peoria, New Sharon, and Sully were terrorized during World War I by a group called “The Black Hand.” Burning barns, schools, and churches – and threatening lynchings of the pastors – this clash between the “Americans” on one side and a tightly knit community of Dutch on the other has all the makings of a Hollywood movie. As part of our History Series, Dr. Keith Fynaardt, Professor of English at Northwestern University in Orange City – and a native of Peoria, Iowa – joins us to explore what happens when two cultures clash – and a war serves to stoke fear in everyone.
Hear more about the new season at Pella Historical on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.