In November, twelve high school seniors from Pella, Pella Christian, and homeschool came together for the chance to be Tulip Queen. And as it has been for several years, the 2023 representatives chosen started their journey that will carry them eventually to the main stage of Tulip Toren on the first Thursday in May.
Queen Cheyne Plants and the Royal Court of Anna DeNooy, Avery Verhoef, Ellie Wogen, and Tatum Carlstone are about to embark on a journey showcasing their hometown’s signature celebration.
Making anywhere from 30 to 40 appearances in five short weeks, depending on the year, the Tulip Time Royal Court travels central Iowa and the Pella community to showcase the festival as the festival’s top ambassadors. But it’s not just a matter of stepping out in Dutch costumes and singing — there’s a lot of work happening behind the curtain to get this group ready for the stage, no matter its size.
And while the main event is the show retirement homes, schools, TV stations, and legislators in the Iowa State Capitol will see in the coming weeks, it’s a mix of hard work, fun, and focusing on the little details that make sure audiences are keeping their mind on the blooms and festival approaching in the middle of spring, according to Plants.
“It’s a little nerve-racking, but it’s also very exciting, because we have been chosen to do this for Pella and it’s really neat now that it’s time to do that,” she says.
Their first public performance is set for Tuesday, March 28th at 7 p.m. in the Joan Kuyper Farver Auditorium.
Stay tuned to 92.1 KRLS for updates about the 88th Tulip Time celebration from the official radio station of the festival. Hear more from the Tulip Queen and Royal Court on today’s Let’s Talk Pella.