100+ Men Red Rock recently presented a check to the Knoxville Senior Center Wednesday as they were recognized as one of their 2023 first quarter recipients.
The Knoxville Senior Center serves nearly 100 meals each day and will use the funds to cover meal costs. Members of 100+ Men Red Rock presented a $10,000 check to Kay Bauer and Roy Richardson, representing the Knoxville Senior Center Board of Directors.
Tony Briggs, President of 100+ Men Red Rock tells KNIA/KRLS News,“We are thrilled to present our quarter one recipients which is the Knoxville Senior Center. This happens to be the first recipient when we have the opportunity to reward two recipients. So, Knoxville Senior Center was the recipient of the most votes from our Q-1 meeting so they were blessed to receive a $10,000 contribution.”
100+ Men Red Rock is an organization of men committed to giving back to the Lake Red Rock area by financially supporting the charitable organizations that serve the Red Rock region. The group holds quarterly meetings to support local causes using a simple model: 100+ participating men x $100 contribution equals $10,000 plus to a local charity in the Red Rock region.
In 2022, the organization donated $60,475 to local organizations. Since 2015, the group has raised and given back $207,475.
Learn more about 100+ Men Red Rock at https://100menredrock.com, on Facebook (@100MenRedRock), or on Instagram (@100momrr).