
Central College Senior Lecturer of Spanish Oscar Reynaga has been selected for the Chicago Semester’s Summer 2023 Scholar-in-Residence Program.

During the workshop experience, Reynaga will have the opportunity to collaborate with other scholars on the research and development of courses. Reynaga plans to update three of his courses: Latinos in the U.S., Spanish and Latin American Film and Spanish Conversation through Film. He will create new teaching materials that align with the new Engaged Citizen Core curriculum at Central.

As the Central faculty advisor for the Organization of Latinx American Students, this opportunity will support Reynaga as he plans cultural trips and events with student leaders. In the past, he has included a film screening at the annual Chicago Latino Film Festival. Reynaga also will explore the development of a short-term faculty-led program in Chicago for Central’s Spanish language majors and minors that would have both research and service-learning components.

Reynaga will participate in the Scholar-In-Residence program the week of June 25 to July 1. The purpose of the Chicago Semester Scholar-In-Residence Program is to build relationships with faculty from the founding institutions by offering opportunities to nurture their research through resources available in Chicago.