
A two-day work session for the Pella City Council focused on the upcoming fiscal year budget concluded Wednesday evening. After day one focused on the overall picture heading into the next year, day two featured several presentations from department heads in Public Works, including water, wastewater, streets, and the airport, as well as details about Pella Fiber, city facilities, and City Hall.

Click here for the day one presentation, and here for day two.

Some of the major road projects prioritized for fiscal year 2024 include a Hazel Street extension and repairs to Union from East 3rd to Morningside, as well as engineering contracts for extension of University Street east to 250th Place, for reconstruction of Oskaloosa Street from East 16th to Eagle Lane, and repairs for Broadway Street from University to Independence, among others scheduled in fiscal year 2025.

The final portion of the meeting was a recap of the two day session and steps that are next as the Pella City Council considers formal approval of the $55 million budget in April.