According to Marion County Assessor Kelli Kingery, all properties in Marion County have been reevaluated for the 2023 assessment, which will be public after April 1.
Assessors are to establish market value only; they do not determine property taxes or the assessment limitation (rollback). Assessors study the market for each class of property and perform revaluations to comply with Iowa Code. The Iowa Department of Revenue will issue an equalization order that brings all properties into compliance, should revaluations not be completed by assessors.
A change in your assessed value does not mean your property tax will change –that is based on how the levying authorities set their budgets. The Iowa Department of Revenue uses an assessment limitation, or “rollback” formula, to determine what portion of your assessed value you will pay property tax on annually.
For property tax questions, please see the bottom of your property tax statement for a list of the levying authorities that determine your property tax bill.