
Justin Smith is a battalion chief working with the Knoxville Fire Department along with a partner. His partner is Glory, a German Shepherd Crisis Dog.

According to Smith, Glory can sense when people are struggling. She lives her life with Smith at the fire department. Smith said they are looking at ways to deal with mental health issues.

Mental Health can be dealt with and Glory can comfort and soothe those who are struggling.

Smith tells KNIA/KRLS News, “Essentially we have a non-profit developed called Crisis Canines of the Midlands. That is a non-profit where we have developed because we have seen the need be so great for these dogs. We have a lot of inquiries around the area, in fact Pella ambulance just announced they are putting a dog into play through our non-profit. It’s really amazing, but essentially any dollars raised would help us fund these dogs going forth in these communities. One way to help us by partnering with Crisis Canines financially could be a huge part of this.”

Smith tells KNIA/KRLS News, as the saying goes, a dog is a person’s best friend. Smith said you can contact the Knoxville Fire Department and ask for him and he will help get the funds to the right place as well.