The Marion County Board of Supervisors met in regular session Tuesday. On the agenda was a discussion of Central Iowa Regional Housing Authority as the agency hired a new director. The FY 2024 proposed Marion County Budget was discussed without any action taken.
The board adopted the Elected Officials Salaries for FY24, as well as a resolution for Marion County Fund Designation from Local Sales and Services Tax (LOSST) Revenues in FY24.
Resolutions for tax credit applications were approved.
The FY24 Iowa Department of Transportation Secondary Road Budget and Secondary Road 5-year plans were approved along with a resolution on the T15 Flagler Bridge Federal Aid Funding Agreement. The Flagler Bridge letting project will be in July.
The board held discussions on the VA Campus 28E Agreement with the city and county working together. Property at 104 S. 6th St. Knoxville for the Annex Building was discussed with a future date for selling the property. Marion County Township Officials Compensation was discussed and tabled. The Knoxville Area Ministerial Association and Every Step Hospice were approved for Flag Day in June at the courthouse.