The Knoxville City Council Meeting Monday started with Mayor Brian Hatch reading two proclamations. The first one was in recognition of National Library Week which is April 23-29. The second proclamation was for Volunteer Week which runs April 16-22.
Knoxville City Manager Heather Ussery tells KNIA/KRLS News how important the volunteers are, “This was for National Volunteer Week, which is held this week. It was an opportunity for the mayor and council to thank our boards and commissions that voluntarily serve. They help make decisions and recommendations that can help council guide them in their recommendations for projects in the community. So they make a great impact for the overall community and the projects we have.”
Also on the agenda was the vacating of an alley at 406 North Kent. A resident recently converted a building into six apartments and has requested the vacation of the alley to allow for additional off-street parking. Vacating the alley will not decrease the access for adjacent property owners according to Ussery. Council approved the ordinance to vacate the alley. The next step is to set a public hearing for May 1 to begin the disposal of that property.
There was a change order for the VA Phase I Project for Elder Construction for sanitary sewer connecting it into Veteran’s Park. There were two change orders for Water Reclamation to replace nine valves and a digester lid that has a crack and is leaking.
The council approved the integrated roadside vegetation management plan for the city.
In updates, Fire Chief Cal Wyman reported the newly formed EMS Advisory Board held their first meeting. Police Chief Aaron Fuller said his department received 13 applicants for an opening on his department and testing will take place April 28 and 29.