The Pella City Council held a public hearing for the fiscal year 2024 budget at their meeting Tuesday evening. The council approved the $55.7 million dollar plan for the community, which includes maintaining the current property tax rate of $10.20 per $1,000 of valuation for the 22nd consecutive year. Councilmember Lynn Branderhorst voted in opposition, citing during debate concerns about the size of the five-year capital improvements plan compared to previous years — which is increased due to the proposed indoor rec center and renovations to the Pella Community Center, among several other projects. Also on the agenda was approval of special event permits for Tulip Time and the Pella Farmers Market. The council also scheduled a public hearing for June 6th to approve potential bids for the Idaho Drive Underground Electric Conversion project. During policy and planning, a discussion was held about renewing the Local Option Sales and Service Tax Redistribution Agreement with Marion County and the City of Knoxville, which expires on December 31st.