The Knoxville School Board met Wednesday. Raceway Tire and Exhaust presented a $3,000 check to the Knoxville School District toward the new scoreboard at the Randy Wilson Track.
The school board met with two stakeholder focus groups on the proposed strategic plan for the school.
Approved at the meeting was the purchase of a carpet cleaning machine for $20,405 for the custodial department. Also approved was the initial proposal of the 2025 Spanish Club trip. The 2022-2023 Fiscal Year certified budget was also approved.
The board accepted the resignation of Chanae Fitzgerald as high school counselor. Approved as new hires were Leland Flanagan as Language Arts teacher, Michael Hornback as High School instrumental music teacher/band director and Jill Mathes as third grade teacher.
One transfer was approved, Miranda Rozendaal from second to third grade teacher.