The Knoxville Senior Center Board of Directors, staff and clients wish to express their gratitude to a large group of businesses and individuals for their time, talents, grants, and donations during the past 12 months.
Without the support the Center would not have been able to remain open or provide approximately 96 meals daily Monday through Friday, to the senior citizens of Knoxville and surrounding area.
A few on the list that Kay Bauer, Secretary of the Senior Citizen’s Board of Directors gave special credit to include Celebrate Church, First United Methodist Church, Good Shepherd and St. Anthony’s along with Bill McDonald.
Bauer tells KNIA/KRLS News, “The Senior Center has been totally dependent upon grants and donations to keep us funded through the last few years since March of 2019. We’re very dependent upon those grants and donations to keep us going. We provide a nutritionally balanced meal to approximately 96 senior citizens every day Monday through Friday.”
The list to thank includes the following: Aging Resources of Central Iowa, Marion County United Way, 100+ Men on a Mission Red Rock, Vermeer Charitable Foundation, 3M Foundation and 3M Employee Volunteer Match, Hormel Foods Charitable Trust, Weiler Products, Marion County Bank, Alliant Energy, Casey’s General Stores, Individual donors
The following churches and organizations whose members volunteered to help deliver meals: Community of Christ, Living Word Fellowship, Trinity Lutheran, Mentor Group, 3M Employees, Rotary, Realtors, Weiler Employees, Bus Drivers, Boy Scouts, Wells Fargo Bank, Marion County Bank
The many other dedicated volunteers who offer their time and talents to help out with meal deliveries and work at the center in various areas and capacities.
The all volunteer Senior Center Board of Directors, three of whom help out every day, Sharon Fisk, Kay Bauer and Roy Richardson. Other members, Mike Roberts President, Ray Bertrand, Jay Weldon, Scott Evans and Jeremy Smith. Bill Mc Donald who has consistently delivered route 5, Mary Horan, Kim Stanton, Bev Hammonn and Carolyn Wallace.