
The Knoxville City Council met Monday in regular session. Mayor Hatch read a proclamation declaring it National Clerk Week April 30 – May 6. The proclamation recognized Jodie Wyman the Knoxville City Clerk and Samantha Hoover the Deputy City Clerk thanking them for all the work they do for the city. 

Knoxville City Manager Heather Ussery tells KNIA/KRLS News, “They do a lot that people might not see out in the streets and stuff. They keep the city running here at city hall. We are very appreciative of all the work they do.”

Also on the agenda was the disposal of an alley at 406 North Kent. There are four property owners on that alley. The property owners will receive notice that the alley has been vacated and they will have the opportunity to purchase the eight feet on each side of the alley.

Council then discussed the City Code Definition of Permitting fowl, to add quail as a permitted fowl within the city of Knoxville. Currently the only fowl allowed in the city limits are female chickens.

Council was open to allowing staff to move forward with changing the definition within city code to allow female quail within the city limits.

Ussery brought to the attention of the council that 11 municipal facade applications have been applied for. It was announced that Meredith Clark,Community Service Officer was recognized as the first quarter officer of the year by the Knoxville Police Department. Fire Chief Cal Wyman noted there will be an EMS Open House May 23rd.