Construction crews broke ground in March on the new additions to the Knoxville Hospital and Clinic.
The hospital’s $21 million expansion project will add a new surgical suite, renovate the Emergency Department, and construct the new Don & Margaret Long Infusion Center and Weiler Foundation Specialty Clinic.
To date, the KHC Foundation has raised more than $7.5 million towards the expansion project.
The parking lot entrances from Lincoln Street and Howard Street will remain open. All patients and visitors will enter through the main hospital entrance. Emergency patients will continue to access the Emergency Department from the Emergency entrance.
Patient and visitor parking will continue to be available on the northeast side of the hospital. Accessible parking and Respiratory Acute Care parking will move from the southeast parking to designated spaces in the northeast parking lot.
Kevin Stittsworth, KHC Director of Foundation and Public Foundation tells KNIA/KRLS News, the main entrance canopy is now open for vehicular traffic. He adds you can take advantage of the hospital’s parking lot shuttle service.