The Indianola City Council received an update from the Bravo Greater Des Moines Regional Arts Council at their meeting earlier this week, detailing Indianola’s participation in the program, and the benefits the city is receiving. City Manager Ben Reeves tells KNIA News the city provides 2/7 of their hotel/motel tax to Bravo, and that investment is being returned 5-7x just in terms of them helping the Des Moines Metro Opera. Reeves said the return on investment is happening all throughout the area.
“What was really exciting to hear was some of the projects they are putting forth across the metro. They are really seeing a $50 return on investment for every dollar of investment they make into the communities through the grants and different programs they have. Truly an exciting opportunity for us to expand the influence of the metro area and bring visitors in, who eventually decide to stay and our community continues to grow.”
To listen to the full interview, go to this story on KNIAKRLS.com.