
The Webb Shadle Public Library will be hosting an event for bike safety. The event is called Protect Your Melon.

The event will be held Tuesday, May 23 from 3:30 until 4:45 in front of the library in Pleasantville. 

Pleasantville Library Director JoEllen Glick tells KNIA/KRLS News, “It’s a kickoff for summer vacation with bike safety and free helmets. So they’re going away to give some helmets and if you want to bring your bike helmet there will be some adjustments and there will be some bicycle safety training.”

There will be some drawings for prizes and there are a lot of sponsors helping the library hold the event. The event is geared for preschool to fifth grade.  There will be a Protect Your Melon demonstration. 

If there is inclement weather the event will be held at the Pleasantville Memorial Hall. It has been a few years since the event has been held in Pleasantville.