Today is Memorial Day, a day honoring and mourning the U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. The Indianola American Legion is hosting a parade tomorrow beginning at 10am, starting at the Warren County Administration Building, then travel west on Boston Ave, south on N B St., east on Ashland across the square, south on Howard, then east on Salem, then south on 1st St across Highway 92, then east on 5th Ave to Highway 65/69, then south until the I.O.O.F Cemetery.
Joe Moody with the American Legion tells KNIA News after the parade ends, there will be a service on the east side of the cemetery, where there will be a dedication ceremony for the statue of Sergeant First Class Junior Edwards, the Indianola resident who was awarded a Medal of Honor for his actions during the Korean War, the only Iowa resident to do so.
Parade lineup begins at 9:30am.