
Haili McKeever, the District Nurse for the Knoxville Schools, and a Registered Nurse, outlined the school year Monday evening at the Knoxville School Board Meeting.

She told the board there were a total of 18,830 visits by students to see the nurse in the elementary schools, middle school and high school combined. This was her second year working for the school, but her first year as the head nurse. Needless to say it was a busy year after she transitioned from being the school nurse at West Elementary. McKeever said the numbers are high, but the school hopes to lower the numbers,

The students were seen for a variety of reasons, ranging from upset stomach, headaches,  nausea or vomiting, or even scratches and scrapes where a band-aid might solve the problem.

A few of the students are diabetic and they help them monitor their blood sugars.