The Knoxville City Council will meet in regular session Monday night at 6:15 p.m.
On the agenda is a public hearing to approve amendments to the zoning ordinance for Title 9, adult cabaret, and to approve first consideration and possibly waive second and third consideration, for adult cabaret.
There will be a discussion on the 2023 Street Improvement Project. Council will also look at approving a change order for the water reclamation facility improvement project. Also on the agenda is consideration to approve the use of City of Knoxville LMI Funds to assist Habitat For Humanities Of Marion County to acquire a lot for a single-family home.
There will also be a discussion regarding the Knoxville Municipal Airport Event – Fly Iowa. Council will also look at approving a resolution setting salaries/wages for appointed officers and non-collective bargaining unit employees of the City of Knoxville for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2023.