The Indianola City Council discussed city insurance renewals in their work session Monday, reviewing the new variables the city will have to go through when insuring the city for the next fiscal year. City Manager Ben Reeves tells KNIA News the city has to include the new water resource recovery facility, the growing community, and the YMCA conversion to the Indianola Wellness Campus among others, all during inflationary times. Reeves said balancing the city coverage while being mindful of taxpayer dollars is a project that will continue to move forward.
“Insuring cities is very unique. There aren’t a lot of insurance companies that do it, and those that do are usually pools of some sort of other cities that work together. Finding the right insurance company and ensuring that we have a long term relationship, while also being adequately covered in the unique characteristics of having a police department and all the different things we need to cover is quite challenging.”
To listen to the full interview, click below.