
The Indianola City Council approved the sale of a property that suffered a fire on West Boston Ave at their meeting Monday, selling the property to Habitat for Humanity. City Manager Ben Reeves tells KNIA News the property will need to be torn down, and Habitat for Humanity seemed like the perfect organization to not only have the required resources to handle the project, but to also go towards a good cause.

“We were just looking at what is the best way to go about this in a way that benefits the community? Habitat for Humanity was the entity that really stepped up. They can bring donations to bear as far as removing and taking out the old building, and then to build a new building that helps people get a step up as far as a residence in our community.”

Reeves also said he appreciates the city’s good working relationship with Habitat for Humanity, and the project is a win for everyone as the city gets fair value on the project and a family will get a new home.