At the Knoxville School Board meeting Monday night, the board approved a proposal for LED lighting around the district.
Knoxville School District Business Manager Craig Mobley estimates that the project would cost just over $38,000, but MidAmerican Energy is a partner in the program and will pay for 50% of the total cost. Mobley says that the project will upgrade the lighting primarily in four locations.
“We still have just a few facilities in our district that we have not been able to switch over to LED lighting. So, with this proposal we would be working with ROI Energy and it would cover at the high school–really the gymnasium and the shop areas and then also at the bus barns. So, both of those buildings at the bus barn and the parking lot lighting and then also the maintenance shop.”
Benefits of the project include generating over $6,000 in annual savings by reducing lighting costs by 60% or more and less maintenance. Hear more from Mobley about the project and other items of business from the school board meeting on today’s Let’s Talk Knoxville.